Live Accountability Sessions for Hard Working Agents to

Live Accountability Sessions for Hard Working Agents to

level up their systems and Mindset

level up their systems and Mindset

What brokerage fits?

We want to partner with brokerages looking to retain and recruit agents by providing them with monthly sessions on practical business systems, mindset, and emotional health.

They understand that the agent’s energy is everything. When the agent’s energy is strong, they do what needs to be done. We want to partner with brokers who care deeply and want to be known for their focus on agents with good systems and healthy mindsets.

What brokerage fits?

We want to partner with brokerages looking to retain and recruit agents by providing them with monthly sessions on practical business systems, mindset, and emotional health.

They understand that the agent’s energy is everything. When the agent’s energy is strong, they do what needs to be done. We want to partner with brokers who care deeply and want to be known for their focus on agents with good systems and healthy mindsets.

What would your business look like if you had better systems?

You may be an awesome agent but without systems and the right mindset, you leave a ton of money on the table with little time to follow up with leads and past clients.

Sales and high service are critical for success, but they are not enough. You are left with gaping holes in your “day-to-day” systems and your “after the sale” systems. Things just don't get done.

Do you ever see a restaurant owner doing the dishes, serving, and cooking? Of course not, that would be crazy, but that's exactly what real estate agents are doing everyday.

What would your business look like if you got out of your own way?

Procrastination, perfectionism, overthinking, people pleasing, poverty mentality, no self-care, stubbornness, light depression, internal bullying, fear of rejection, and avoiding conflict cost agents more money each year than anything else.

We all get in our own way and limit our potential.

If you could improve even one of these limiting mindsets how much more money, freedom, and meaning could you be experiencing?

How it works

Live Monthly WORKSHOPS

Each online workshop you will receive a framework, worksheet, or exercise that will give you the tools to build your systems and move forward by unlocking an abundant business owner mindset.

Business Systems Check-in

Ben and his team will present one real estate system each month that has the potential of forever shifting your business. These systems will always be focused on creating more income, protecting your past clients, creating a world-class client experience, and building a life you love.

MINDSET Check-in

Each month we unpack a limiting mindset that holds agents back from the full potential of what they want and deserve. The goal each month will be to unlock new thinking and dissolve limiting beliefs to move you forward personally & professionally.

What would your business look like if you had better systems?

You may be an awesome agent but without systems and the right mindset, you leave a ton of money on the table with little time to follow up with leads and past clients.

Sales and high service are critical for success, but they are not enough. You are left with gaping holes in your “day-to-day” systems and your “after the sale” systems. Things just don't get done.

Do you ever see a restaurant owner doing the dishes, serving, and cooking? Of course not, that would be crazy, but that's exactly what real estate agents are doing every day.

What would your business look like if you got out of your own way?

Procrastination, perfectionism, overthinking, people pleasing, poverty mentality, no self-care, stubbornness, light depression, internal bullying, fear of rejection, and avoiding conflict cost agents more money each year than anything else.

We all get in our own way and limit our potential.

If you could improve even one of these limiting mindsets how much more money, freedom, and meaning could you be experiencing?

How it works

Live Monthly WORKSHOPS

Each online workshop you will receive a framework, worksheet, or exercise that will give you the tools to build your systems and move forward by unlocking an abundant business owner mindset.

Business Systems Check-in

Ben and his team will present one real estate system each month that has the potential of forever shifting your business. These systems will always be focused on creating more income, protecting your past clients, creating a world-class client experience, and building a life you love.

MINDSET Check-in

Each month we unpack a limiting mindset that holds agents back from the full potential of what they want and deserve. The goal each month will be to unlock new thinking and dissolve limiting beliefs to move you forward personally & professionally.

Bring Your Team Onboard

for only


per month

Two Live Monthly Check-In Session

Each online session you will receive a framework, worksheet, or exercise that will give you the tools to build your systems and move forward by unlocking an abundant business owner mindset.

Business Systems Check-in

Ben and his team will present one real estate system each month that has the potential of forever shifting your business. These systems will always be focused on creating more income, protecting your past clients, creating a world-class client experience, and building a life you love.

MINDSET Check-in

Each month we unpack a limiting mindset that holds agents back from the full potential of what they want and deserve. The goal each month will be to unlock new thinking and dissolve limiting beliefs to move you forward personally & professionally.


Your brokerage partnered with Ben Oosterveld because they understand the power of real systems and have the right mindset.

Your brokerage wanted to bring a mindset first conversation and accountability based on real estate systems to their agents that would directly impact their bottom line and level up relationships

It's a very clear indication they care deeply for the lives of their agents' personal and professional lives.


Your brokerage partnered with Ben Oosterveld because they understand the power of real systems and have the right mindset.

Your brokerage wanted to bring a mindset first conversation and accountability based on real estate systems to their agents that would directly impact their bottom line and level up relationships

It's a very clear indication they care deeply for the lives of their agents' personal and professional lives.

About Ben

Founder and CEO. Has had everything and nothing.

After coaching agents for years, he got his real estate license and built a multimillion-dollar real estate business with an award-winning team in three years.

And yet he’s also known homelessness and despair, living on the streets from the age of fourteen, attempting suicide at fifteen, and later spending 365 days in rehab.

The power of experiencing these radically different worlds is that Ben sees straight through the illusions that preoccupy most people and cuts through the BS that limits their freedom.

Today, he supports ambitious agents in discovering who they truly are and what they want so they can build an incredible business that serves the life they love.

About Ben

Founder and CEO. Has had everything and nothing.

After coaching agents for years, he got his real estate license and built a multimillion-dollar real estate business with an award-winning team in three years.

And yet he’s also known homelessness and despair, living on the streets from the age of fourteen, attempting suicide at fifteen, and later spending 365 days in rehab.

The power of experiencing these radically different worlds is that Ben sees straight through the illusions that preoccupy most people and cuts through the BS that limits their freedom.

Today, he supports ambitious agents in discovering who they truly are and what they want so they can build an incredible business that serves the life they love.


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